
The first two books in the "Transit Timewarp" series are now on sale through the print-on-demand website "Lulu"!

These publications feature many "then and now" photographic comparisons that explore the transit history of Ontario. Author and Historian Trevor the Time-Traveler is on a mission to inspire a new generation of transit enthusiasts.

You can order your copies of Trevor's books through this link:

More books in this series are in the works, so stay tuned for updates! 

Historian George Roth attended Trevor's presentation in Kitchener's main library on April 8th, 2023. George's book, "Steel Wheels Along the Grand", was one of the inspirations for Trevor's latest book "Grand River & Lake Erie Electric Railways".

Many of my "Transit Timewarp" comparisons can be seen on Facebook and Instagram.
Please follow those pages so that you don't miss future posts and updates!